Saturday, July 29, 2006

Vaastu and Progress


Little progress if Vishnu temple is in vicinity.

Little progress if Temple is in front of plot.

Very little progress if Tall building is in northeast.

Failures if road tapers from north to south.

Very little progress if plot is at dead end of road.

Very little progress if dead soil.

Very little progress if tree opposite gate or door.

Obstacles, if bones are found on excavation.

Very little progress if plot is pot shaped.

Very little progress if southeast expands towards south.

Very little progress if Northwest expands towards west.

General instability for north facing northwest gate.

No progress for men south is lowest.

Very little progress for Southwest angular retraction towards south.

More space in southwest leads to many obstacles.

Excess space in west affects men career.

If northwest is closed then there is no progress and people suffer suffocation.

West Nairu spear weakens the very destiny of men.

Large open space in west lowers men's profession.

Northeast retraction as square mars progress and career.

Instability if north west door facing north

No results if building is very tall when compared to width and length.

No progress if building has south and east wings.

If rooms of different zones are not as suggested by Vastu.

Buildings with 2 or 3 wings used for living.

Adversity, hardship, stumbling blocks for progress for east facing southeast door.


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